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Who we are:

The Association of Ulster Drama Festivals was formed in 1949 to foster and encourage amateur drama through the holding of festivals of drama, the organisation and support of drama conferences and schools, the promotion and co-operation between Ulster Drama Festivals and the fostering of relations with cognate and similar organisations in Northern Ireland and in other regions.

It is the umbrella body of all festivals in Northern Ireland and it stages a 1-Act and a Full-Length Final Festival annually.

It promotes the celebration of live theatre, and encourages, Professionally judged competitions, which are the seedbed for actors entering the profession.

The Festival Finals are our “showcases”. The N. I. 1-Act Final Festival is held in January every year. The top three teams having earned a place in the season’s participating Festivals, vie for the opportunity to represent Northern Ireland in the annual British Final of One-Act Plays, held in June/July each year. This year it is AUDF’s privilege to host the Finals n the MAC Theatre in Belfast. Click on the link below for more details

Our aim to improve all areas – audiences, productions, governance, and to expose to a greater audience the best kept secret in the world of drama in N. I. We have ambition to become the unifying voice of amateur drama in Northern Ireland.

The 89th British Final Festival
of One-Act Plays

12th and 13th  July 2024.

Click for details


The Best in Amateur Drama

The 70th
Ulster Drama Festival

22nd  - 27th April 2024. Click for details

Click here for the Results Table

Click here for the Festival Awards

AUDF One Act Festivals

Bangor, Moira/Belfast and Newtownabbey run a 1-Act Drama Festival in October/November each year.

Teams entering can gain points for the Northern Ireland One Act Finals normally held in January.

The winner of the N I One Act Final Festival has the honour of representing Northern Ireland in the British Final Festival of 1-Act Plays.

As only 2 Northern Ireland teams, Theatre 3 Newtownabbey and Rosemary Drama Group entered the festivals, the final will not be held. Based on results of the 3 festivals, Theatre 3 was nominated to represent Northern Ireland in the 89th British Final Festival in Perth.