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Who we are:

The Association of Ulster Drama Festivals (the AUDF) was formed in 1949 as the umbrella body of all festivals in Northern Ireland and stages a One-Act and a Full-Length Final Festival annually.

We promote the celebration of live theatre and encourage professionally judged competitions, which are the seedbed for actors entering the profession.

The Festival Finals are our showcases. The Northern Ireland One-Act Final Festival is held in January every year. The top three teams having earned a place in the season’s participating Festivals, compete for the opportunity to represent Northern Ireland in the annual British Final Festival of One-Act Plays, held in June/July each year.

Our objectives are:

The 90th British Final Festival
of One-Act Plays

4th and 5th July 2025.

Click for details


The Best in Amateur Drama

AUDF One Act Festival

Bangor, Moira/Belfast and Newtownabbey normally run a 1-Act Drama Festival in October/November each year. This year Enniskillen started a 1-Act Festival with an AUDF section. Unfortunately, Moira are unable to run this year.

Teams entering can gain points for the Northern Ireland One Act Finals which will be held on January 18th in the Belvoir Studio Theatre.

The winner of the N. I. One Act Final Festival has the honour of representing Northern Ireland in the British Final Festival of 1-Act Plays. This will take place in Lichfield on 4/5th July 2025.

Breaking News:

At the AGM held in Portadown town hall on Saturday 19th October, Clare Greer of Bangor Drama Festival was elected Chairperson. She suceeds Ciara McCay, whom we thank for her work over the last three years.

Also at the AGM, the new constitution was adopted, thus allowing the AUDF to progress with its application for charity status. Charity Status has now been achieved. This will assist us in raising funds.

The 71st
Ulster Drama Festival

5th - 10th May 2025. Click for details

Child Protection Policy

Click here for the Festival Awards

Click here for the Results Table